r 2050(L)*970(W)*485(H)~700mm r
rr 材质(Material): r
rr 床面采用冷轧钢板一次冲压成型,坚固耐用, r
rr 表面环保高温静电粉末喷涂,防腐易洁;床头 r
rr 尾板采用ABS工程塑料,外形美观,装卸自如。 r
rr Good qualoty cold rolled steel bed frame r
rr and bed board with envirinmentally friendy r
rr hightemperature elect rostatic powder r
rr coating ABS detachable head/foot board, r
rr which canbe easily installed and removed. r
rr 功能(Function): r
rr 背部上升80°(Backrest from 0° to 80°) r
rr 腿部上升45°(Knee part from 0° to 45°) r
rr 上下升降215mm(Height adjustable from 485 to 700mm) r
rr 标配(Standard Accessory): r
rr 5寸脚轮带中控刹车系统(5*castors with central brake system) r
rr 进口林肯电机(imported L&K motor) r
rr 六档折叠式铝合金护栏(6-staff foldaway aluminum alloy side rails) r
rr 选配(Opional Accessory): r
rr 床垫(Mattress) r