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供应金磊KRS01新款热销骑马抽滑轨 新百隆款 物美价廉

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最后更新: 2019-02-04 19:16
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  • 所在地区:广东
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    广东骑马抽生产销售   最新款百隆骑马抽  r东莞骑马抽生产厂家   东莞骑马抽安装示意图    13602398700 东莞金磊五金制品厂r规格:r1.基本长度:270300350400450500550mmr2.侧板高度:90mm,内空高度:71mm(KRS02)143mm(KRS03/KRS04)189mmr3.材质:闪银灰色钢质抽屉邦r4.负重:30KGr适用范围:橱柜、厨房家俱及室内家俱r特性:r1.抽屉宽度可自由设计,全拉式的设计更便于使用r2.搭配高品质静音缓冲装置,抽屉关闭轻柔,顺滑而平稳r3.优良的纵向横向稳定性,超流畅的滑动性能r4.搭配抽屉四方向调整装置,轻松调整安装误差r5.快速安装和拆卸装置,让装卸更简单r r  导轨特性r1、齿条齿轮联动结构,滑轨摆动性小,稳定性好r2、滑轨具有双缓冲功能r3、中轨用2.0钢材,比市面一些国产同类产品较强,滑轨承重拉出时更稳定,下垂度小 r4、使用日本进口铃木拉簧,滑轨使用寿命长,承重30KG,通过SGS100000次测试r5、滑轨摆动性小,滑轨安装后更稳定。柜体摆动性小,不容易出现因滑轨摆动大,而导致脱扣失去阻尼功能的现象,中齿不易出现错齿现象r6、中轨齿轮壮士,不会出现爆齿现象r7、滑轨滑动顺滑,噪音小,安装后更轻柔滑顺r8、面板、柜体拆装方便,并可左右、上下调节,更好地人性化安装拆卸调节方式,方便柜体清洁r9、骑马抽侧板颜色丰富多彩,可更好地搭配不同风格的家装,让家庭更多色彩,更多温馨rProducts Specification: r- Standard length: 270, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550mm.r- Inner drawer height: 71mm(KRS02)143mm(KRS03/KRS04)189mm. Drawer side plate height: 90mm.r- Material: sliver gray steelr- Load bearing: 30KGr- Color: Gray, White, Blackr- Range of application: cabinet, cupboard, kitchen furniture.r rProducts Features: r- Freely automatic adjustment for the drawer width and full pullout design for easier using.r- Equipped with silent buffer, drawer can be closed smoothly with no noiser- Prominent transverse / longitudinal stability, fluent glider- Drawers can be adjusted in four directions freely for correction errorr- Quick installation and disassembly equipmentr rFeatures of guide rail:r1  With the Simultaneous-control structures of rack and gear, the slide track has small swing and good stability.r2  Slide track has the double buffering functionr3  Medium rail is 2.0 steel, stronger than the home-made and the same kind in the market. When bearing and pulling out, it is more stable and small droopr4  Applying Suzuki tension spring imported from Japan, Slide track has long service life and can stand 30KG weight. And it also passed SGS test for 100000 timesr5  The slide track has small swing, more stable after installing it. Small swing on container body is not prone to make trip lose damp function for the wicked swing and desmoids is not easy to side set.r6  Gear of medium rail is very sturdy, not prone to blast.r7  Slide track moves smoothly and low noise. It will be smoother after installing.r8  Panel and container body are easy to install and remove. They can adjust left and right, up and down. In order to clean the container body easily, we apply the better way to install, remove and adjust.r9  There are many colors on side plate for you to go with design in different style. It can make family more colors and warmth.r "};



