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厂家现货60-180尺寸 不锈钢窗纱网 防蚊窗纱 窗纱

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最后更新: 2018-11-24 15:57
10.00元/ 平方米
2 平方米
10000 平方米

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    恒锋现货 窗纱网零售/批发


      隐形纱窗是纱网能自动回卷的纱窗。主要是通风防蚊用的。框架是紧附在窗框上,要用的时候把纱网拉下来,不用的时候纱网会自动地回卷到网盒里。不占空间,而且密封性强。与高档家居装修相协调[1]。   隐形纱窗不是真正意义上的“”,只不过是所使用的纱网线经比传统的板式纱窗线经细,透光度比传统纱窗高,安装后给人以似有似无的感觉,冲击您的视线。为了 使隐形纱窗达到它特殊的效果所以他的生产材料必须具备很高的透明度,抗拉强度。


      玻璃纤维窗纱材质:玻璃纤维、PVC。   玻璃纤维窗纱编织及工艺:采用玻璃纤维单丝涂塑工艺,平织,加热,定型而成。         玻璃纤维窗纱特点:  ①使用寿命长:具有卓越低气候、抗老化、抗严寒、抗炎热、抗干燥抗潮湿、阻燃、抗潮湿、防静电、透光好、不窜丝、不变形、抗紫外线、拉力强度大、使用寿命长等优点。 造型美观、结构严谨。整个窗纱采用玻璃纤维单丝涂塑平织纱制成,其余的材料全部采用PVC塑料一次压制完成,分体装配,解决了传统纱窗与窗框之间缝隙太大,封闭不严的问题,使用起来安全美观且密封效果好。   ②适用范围广,直接安装于窗框,木、钢、铝、塑门窗均可装配;耐腐蚀、强度高、抗老化、防火性能好,勿需油漆着。   ③无毒无味。   ④纱网选用玻璃纤维丝,防火阻燃。   ⑤具有防静电功能, 不沾灰、透气良好。   ⑦透光性能好,具有真正意义上的效果。   ⑧自动滤光防紫外线照射,保护全家健康。   ⑨抗老化,使用寿命长,设计合理,使用次数一万次   ⑩绿环保:不含对大气层有害的氯氟化物,符合ISO14001国际环保认证要求所以使用不会产生任何对人体有害的污染。         玻璃纤维窗纱用途:用于高档写字楼,住宅及各种建筑,畜牧场,果园等,是昆虫,蚊蝇最好的防护产品。 英文版English version: 

    Heng Fung Spot window screening Retail / Wholesale

    Is invisible screens gauze screens automatically rewind. It is mainly used in ventilation mosquito. framework is tightly attached to the window frame, use the time to pull down the gauze, gauze when not automatically roll back to the network box. Do not take up space, and sealing strong. And high-end home decoration coordination [1]. "" Is only used by the gauze line by a fine, light transmittance higher than conventional screens invisible screens are not in the true sense of the plate than the traditional line screens, the installation gives a feeling of indistinct impact your sight. In order to make it invisible screens achieve special effects so his production of material must have high transparency, tensile strength.
    Also known as fiberglass window screening window screening (interleaved)

    Fiber glass screens Material: fiberglass, PVC. Woven fiber glass screens and technology: the use of glass fiber filaments coated craft, weaving, heating, stereotypes. Fiber glass screens features: ① long service life: excellent low climate, anti-aging, anti-cold, anti-heat, anti-drying moisture resistant, flame retardant, anti-moisture, anti-static, light transmission is good, not channeling wire, no distortion, UV resistance, tensile strength, long life and other advantages. Handsome in appearance, well-structured. Entire screens using glass fiber filaments coated flat weave yarns, the rest of the material used in all PVC plastic pressing once completed, split assembly to resolve the gap between the traditional screens and window frames too, closed lax behavior, use up safe and beautiful and good sealing effect. ② wide scope, directly attached to the window frame, wood, steel, aluminum, plastic doors and windows can be assembled; corrosion-resistant, high strength, anti-aging, fire performance, do not need paint with. ③ toxic and tasteless. ④ gauze use glass fiber yarn, fire retardant. ⑤ with anti-static function, not James Gray, good ventilation. ⑦ light transmission performance, have the effect in the true sense. ⑧ automatic filter UV radiation and protect family health. ⑨ aging, long service life, reasonable design, the number of ten thousand times ⑩ Green environmental protection: non-harmful to the atmosphere of fluoride, in line with ISO14001 international environmental certification requirements so use does not produce any harmful pollution. Fiber glass screens purposes: for high-end office buildings, residential and various buildings, livestock farms, orchards, etc., are insects, mosquitoes, the best protection products.

















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